From a macro-level sociological perspective, gender inequality and gender-based violence in families and societies contributes to the feminization of migration . De Regt therefore argues that gendered migration means “increased mobility” for those women “who were previously confined to their home, villages, or neighborhoods” . In that sense, young women and girls’ victimization has more to do with the risks in routine activities, rather than systematic recruitment and transporting by organized crime groups . The growing number of women migrant workers in Taiwan has created a new risk group of HT, which has become the focus of academic and political endeavors.

Each year, depression is the principal cause of 30,000 suicides in the United States . The WHO predicted depression will be the second leading cause of global disability in 2020 and may lead to 850,000 suicides every year worldwide . Statistics reveal that 87% of individuals who committed suicide had a depressive illness . Moreover, depression has resulted in social and economic losses of more than 35 billion NT dollars annually .

This ranked cervical cancer eighth among the leading causes of cancer-related deaths among the nation’s women . Every day in Taiwan, five women are diagnosed with and two women die from cervical cancer. In a case-control study of Taiwanese young women, Chen et al. found that the relevant factors for cervical cancer are multiple and complex, and include age at first intercourse, age at first birth, number of vaginal deliveries, and multiparty. A unique finding from Chen et al.’s study was an association of cervical cancer with women’s fry cooking at least 5 times per month. More studies are needed to further explore additional relevant factors for cervical cancer. Although research has shown that smoking is a harmful behavior, tobacco use remains common among Taiwanese women, particularly those who are between 21 and 40 years old. According to results from a national survey conducted in Taiwan, the overall prevalent rate of women who smoke remained between the range of 4.10% and 4.75% in the past decade .

  • Through 2019, travel for business and pleasure from Taiwan to the United States had increased 70 percent since Taiwan became a member of the U.S.
  • According to the national report, Taiwanese women who were divorced, separated, or widowed had double the smoking rate (6.84%) compared to those who were married (3.39%) .
  • Under the framework, Taiwan and its partners offer technical trainings in fields as diverse as public health, supply chain resiliency, energy, women’s rights, and disaster relief.
  • In Western culture, evidence has shown that in women with breast cancer exercise decreases fatigue and improves quality of life.

Although Taiwan’s female employment rate is comparable to those in Japan and South Korea, the comparison of overall rates masks critical differences in patterns of female employment among the three countries. To illustrate, Figure 1 shows women’s labor market participation rates by age group for Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea in 2014.

The six types of HT cover both domestic and cross-border trafficking, which affect both immigrants and citizens. This analysis also shows that labor trafficking was only reported among migrant workers, which indicates that their vulnerability to exploitation might be rooted in the employment structure. Cottingham and her colleagues point out that, in a global economy, low wage work is fulfilled by individuals from developing nations or native born people in wealthy nations with limited education and skills . My study is in line with the Trafficking in Persons 2016 Report suggestion that foreign caregivers, constituting 61% of the victims in my sample, are an especially vulnerable group . Taiwan has become a destination of HT since Taiwanese society is in short supply of women laborers of low-wage work. With increasing gender equality, the employment rate of women population has increased from 33.3% in 1980 to 55.9% in 2013. The increasing market for domestic servants and child/elder care creates a need for migrant women workers .

Taiwan’s comparably high labor demand, a result of its heavy reliance on exports from labor-intensive industries in the early period of economic development, is argued to contribute to the long-term increase in women’s continuous employment upon childbearing. Alcohol consumption is the world’s third largest risk factor for disease burden . It is the leading health risk factor in the Western Pacific and the Americas and the second largest health risk factor in Europe . The harmful use of alcohol results annually in 2.5 million deaths of individuals throughout the world . As a leading democracy and a technological powerhouse, Taiwan is a key U.S. partner in the Indo-Pacific. Though the United States does not have diplomatic relations with Taiwan, we have a robust unofficial relationship. The United States and Taiwan share similar values, deep commercial and economic links, and strong people-to-people ties, which form the bedrock of our friendship and serve as the impetus for expanding U.S. engagement with Taiwan.

Other Literature Sources

According to an analysis of geographical areas in Taiwan, approximately 60% of acts of violence against women occur in urban areas . Because of inconsistencies between statistical data and women’s perceptions, geographical locations and women’s thought of violence must be taken into consideration when conducting research on violence against women. According to the Taiwan National Cancer Registry Report in 2008, the 5-year survival rate of breast cancer in stage 0 and stage 1 was 95% in Taiwanese women.

Know the risks and potential benefits of clinical studies and talk to your health care provider before participating. A Pacific island of roughly 14,400 square miles, Taiwan lies just over a hundred miles off the China’s southeast shoreline and seven hundred miles south of Japan. It has been a contested cultural space between its original aboriginal inhabitants and many generations of Chinese immigrants as well as waves of Dutch, Spanish, and Japanese colonial inhabitants. All of this provides the backdrop for some of the richest Sinophone literature in the world. A Taiwanese male pimp contacted a Chinese woman and arranged a fraudulent marriage in order to transport the victim to Taiwan during 2009. The above Chinese woman, though willing to be a sex worker, was forced to work under exploitive conditions to pay a debt of around 9,500 US dollars, including flight, fraudulent marriage, and fraudulent husband expenses. Another male Taiwanese driver was responsible for driving the Chinese woman to a motel for sex work.

Chapter 7: No Time to Grow Up by Su Wei-chen (trans. Patrick Carr)

With this first English-language anthology of contemporary Taiwanese women writers in decades, readers are finally provided with a window to the widest possible range of voices, styles, and textures of contemporary Taiwanese women writers. Individually each story expresses its own varied, expansively heterogeneous narrative; when read as a whole collection, readers will discover a pointedly gendered exploration of modern Taiwan.

Most cohorts of Taiwanese women had similar levels of employment during their 40s and 50s as in their 20s. Nevertheless, married women’s returns to the labor market become invisible in Figure 1 because each generation of Taiwanese women participates in the labor market at a higher level than the previous one during early child rearing years . This means each new generation’s employment rates in those years are higher than of women in their 40s and 50s, even though the latter’s participation level is the same as when the latter group was in their 20s. Thus, what distinguishes Taiwan’s female employment patterns from Japan and Korea is not a shortage of middle-age women returning to the labor force returns. Rather, the more drastic increases in women’s likelihood to continue their jobs upon marriage or childbearing make Taiwan stand out. Despite the steady increase in women’s employment, Taiwan’s female labor force participation rate is not unusually high among East Asian countries.

Specifically, the AGEE, despite including guidelines for employers to provide female employees schedule flexibility, childcare and nursing facilities, and childcare leave, explicitly makes most rules apply to companies or organizations with 30 or more employees. In 2011, about 49 percent of Taiwanese workers were employed by firms with fewer than 30 employees. Even for employers of larger firms, there is no penalty for those that do not adopt the family-responsive measures prescribed by the law.

The patterns for the two groups are similar, indicating that employers do not discriminate men or women more when experiencing economic fluctuations. Furthermore, since 2000, both men and women have similarly suffered from slow wage growth, which has ignited public concern over wage stagnation in Taiwan. Many economists see this stagnation as a result of Taiwan’s heavy reliance on contract manufacturing, and exporting electronics and other goods for slim profit margins. As far as gender inequality is concerned, however, it is clear that the wage stagnation problem is one for all workers; no specific gender group appears to bear more of the negative consequences. Taiwan is a highly advanced economy producing an estimated $786 billion in goods and services in 2021. The United States and Taiwan have deep and growing commercial, financial, and trade ties, which advance U.S. interests and help create economic opportunities in the United States. The Department of Commerce launched the Technology, Trade, and Investment Collaboration framework with Taiwan in 2021 to provide a platform to develop commercial programs and explore actions to strengthen critical supply chains.