With settlements and a surplus of food came an increase in the population, a well-defined division of labor, organization, cooperation and kingship. Most cities evolved from smaller farming villages and with the practice of irrigation, which was necessary for villages distant from the Tigris and Euphrates, a stable food supply was produced.

  • A man could pay his debts by selling both his children and wife into slavery for a specified length of time.
  • In the ordinary family, women enjoyed approximately equal status with their husbands, within their traditional roles.
  • Nevertheless, as in other parts of East Asia, sex selective abortion is reported to happen in Taiwan.
  • The researchers identified 15 types of discrimination, 6 of which were specific to how race and gender interact in discrimination toward Asian American women in particular.

Candice Chio Ngan Ieng, president of the Macau Women’s General Association , describes in 2010 that women are currently defining themselves as capable and irreplaceable powers to Macau’s modern-day civilization. This change is happening despite the slowness in the Macanese people’s absorption of the ideological concept of gender equality. In the nineteenth century Southeast Asia’s economic resources and strategic position between India and China led to increasing European involvement. In some areas women were recruited as cheap wage labor on plantations and in processing factories. At the village level colonial regimes strengthened the male position as head of the household and “reformed” customary laws that had given women considerable autonomy. Similar trends can be found in Siam, the only non-colonized country, where legal codification strengthened patrilineality.

In conclusion, this special issue includes exemplary articles sharing Asian women’s asian-date.net/western-asia leadership experiences across countries reflecting the leaders’ unique perspectives, experiences, and suggestions for emerging leaders. Across all these articles, there is great leadership advice and wisdom for future Asian women’s leaders. We want to conclude this editorial with a famous quote on exemplary leadership by Chinese philosopher, Laozi (Lao-tzu), which emphasizes human resources and networks as an important aspect of leadership. The current literature on leadership, especially women’s leadership, is based on North American experiences and values (Den Hartog & Dickson, 2004). Yet, little is known about leadership, especially women’s leadership in other cultures including Asian cultures. Shruti Mukkamala is a senior staff psychologist at the University of California, Irvine. Her research interests include understanding the experiences and mental health impacts of intersectional discrimination and developing culturally sensitive ways to cope with and resist discrimination.

Promoting gender equality

If people could decipher the signs that foretold events, the events would be predictable and humans could act wisely. But the Sumerians also developed cultic arts to influence good powers whose decisions could determine human destiny and to ward off evil powers . These cultic arts included ritualistic formulas, such as spells against evil spirits, or prayers or hymns to the gods to win their positive influence. Since only the priests knew the precise rituals, it is not difficult to understand the important role they exercised in a society dominated by a belief in the reality of spiritual powers. The relationship of human beings to the gods was based on subservience since, according to Sumerian myth, human beings were created to do the manual labor the gods were unwilling to do for themselves. As a consequence, humans were insecure since they could never be sure of the god’s actions.


The Eastern Mediterranean route focuses on migratory movements in the EMR region, with Turkey being the key transit country. The EMR has witnessed increased migratory movements including a large number of refugees in 2015, mainly fleeing the Syrian conflict.

Asian Countries

Every year in Pakistan, there are between 8,000 to 9,000 reported crimes against women. These include, rape, acid throwing or burning, honour killings, forced marriages, forced prostitution and the buying and selling of women. “Hariri vows support for women’s rights

Despite the challenges that the electronic music community in general—and women in particular—face, there remains a deep desire to create, build, rebuild and share music from behind the decks to dancefloors worldwide. What follows is only the tip of the iceberg of what women in South West Asia and North Africa are delivering. It is crucial that all segments of Japanese society and politics work harder to ensure the success of womenomics. Japan’s GDP could be lifted by some 15% if women’s labour force participation rate converged to that of men, and if women’s average monthly hours worked were to rise to the OECD average, according to Kathy Matsui, vice chair of Goldman Sachs Japan. It has the third-highest gender wage gap among the advanced OECD countries – only ahead of Estonia and South Korea. Only 13% of Japanese women hold management positions, the second-lowest of the OECD, after South Korea. In 2017, women occupied only 5% of the seats on the boards of listed companies.

Although equality among men and women has been a long-term goal of the People’s Republic of China, the dramatic reformations that followed the Cultural Revolution (1966–1976) have inconsistently affected women’s empowerment and status in China. Studies shows that Chinese women experienced rapid progress in terms of gender equality during the Cultural Revolution. Under the traditional Chinese patriarchy structure, the society was male-dominated, and women in Hong Kong had a relatively subordinate familial role.