A board report can be used to accomplish many goals, including encouraging discussions, recognizing accomplishments and laying out a strategy for the future, and ensuring accountability and transparency. A lot of reports fail to achieve their goals due to various reasons. This includes a poor structure and poor presentation.

Understanding your audience is the first step to creating a well structured report. To make data more understandable, you can use clear headings. Similarly, including a mix of visuals (e.g., line charts to communicate trends, and bar graphs to compare the results of different variables) can help board members grasp the information that you’re presenting in a short amount of time.

After you’ve established the tone, it’s time to share specific figures and metrics that can be compared against the previous performance. This is a good time to discuss any future projects or needs for strategy that require approval from the board. You can give these initiatives greater significance by linking them to the goals and strategies you have laid out.

It’s also worth including an element that compares your business’s performance with respect to price and performance with other companies. This can help the board to understand the https://justmatlab.com/boardable-board-portal-review/ relative position, valuation, and growth expectations. It also provides valuable insight on investor perception. Another option is a table of consensus estimates could be included to show the board where Wall Street is currently positioned in relation to key metrics. This information is especially valuable for companies with analysts covering the sell-side.